FUTURES 2023 Participant

FUTURES is a STEM outreach program that empowers community college faculty, staff, students, and alums to connect with their local community by sharing their personal stories.

This program is currently seeking new community college partners. 

The FUTURES program is seeking to expand its programming across North Carolina. See below for a map of our active locations.

NC Community Colleges

Map of FUTURES sites







We plan to engage with all 58 community colleges by 2025!

Selected FUTURES participants will receive:

  • Workshops that help hone their skills in science communication and storytelling
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Opportunities to network with professionals and connect with their community
  • A modest stipend
  • Swag

This program consists of the following commitments:FUTURES Mitchell 2023 Cohort

  • Complete two 2 1/2 hours workshops
  • Complete at least one consultation
  • Develop a personal story
  • Uploading a video of your personal story
  • Participate in at least one virtual or in-person outreach event
  • Complete program evaluations

FUTURES is here to help support pre-existing events at community colleges by supplying support and trained science storytellers who will be able to promote the college.

Examples of outreach events:

  • Open house
  • Student recruiting events
  • Special events such as induction ceremonies
  • Classroom visit
  • Science fairs
  • Science nights
  • Science Cafés
  • A two-part special event where students can meet the FUTURES scientists and then conduct experiments with scientists

This program will take approximately two months to complete, depending on the location. Most participants complete this program within a semester.


Contact FUTURES at FUTURES@email.unc.edu if you have any questions.

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Meet the storytellers!

FUTURES is made possible by the generous support of the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation.