Celebrate the North Carolina Science Festival by getting your students involved in one of our special programs during April!
Educators are vital to the North Carolina Science Festival’s mission — they prepare future scientists! We thank you for everything you do and encourage you to participate in the Festival with your students.
We also want to collaborate with you to provide exciting science experiences. The Festival offers “at-your-site” educational initiatives specifically for K-12 schools. Learn more about programs for each age level:

The Duke Energy Science Night Activity Kit program offers everything you need to engage your students and their families with fun science activities.
Schools use the resources and support to organize and hold a family science night during April, bringing families together as a community to explore the amazing world of science.

Our SciMatch program pairs middle school teachers with scientists passionate about their work to schedule virtual visits to lead activities with your students.
This year, scientists will make in-person or virtual visits to classes in April, where they'll speak with students about their backgrounds and research and answer questions about their careers. The goal of each visit is to inspire students to consider science as a career and to understand how science impacts our lives.
Please share information about the North Carolina Science Festival with your campus community so that they can join in the statewide science fun. Let us know if you’d like to share ideas for future Festival activities at ncscifestschools@unc.edu. Stay up-to-date with the North Carolina Science Festival by subscribing to our monthly eNews and following on Facebook and X (Twitter), too!