UNC Science Expo

- Art & Design,
- Health,
- Chemistry,
- Life Sciences,
- Earth & Space Sciences,
- Mathematics,
- Physics,
- Engineering,
- Science & Society,
- Environment,
- Food,
- Sports & Fitness,
- Technology
- Hands-On,
- Outdoor Event,
- Performance/Talk,
- Expo
Join us for one of the biggest science celebrations in the state!
Every year, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center hosts a day of science learning and fun for our community in partnership with UNC-Chapel Hill faculty, students, and staff.
The UNC Science Expo is a signature event of the annual North Carolina Science Festival and one of the biggest celebrations of science in the state. More than 100 booths staffed by UNC-Chapel Hill students, researchers, practitioners, and community volunteers fill the quads surrounding Morehead Planetarium and Science Center. From hands-on activities and games to science demonstrations and behind-the-scenes lab tours, the UNC Science Expo makes learning about science fun and engaging for people of all ages.