Statewide Star Party: Lake Norman State Park

- Art & Design,
- Earth & Space Sciences,
- Science & Society
- Hands-On,
- Outdoor Event,
- Stargazing
4/4 (Friday)
from 7:30pm - 9:30pm
2025-04-04 23:30:002025-04-05 01:30:00UTCStatewide Star Party: Lake Norman State ParkHelp celebrate NC Science Festival with Lake Norman State Park! The Piedmont Amateur Astronomers will be coming out to the swim beach parking lot to show us the stars through their telescopes. Friends of Lake Norman State Park will bring the moon pies and Rangers will be offering activities as we wait for it to get dark. Meet at the Swim Beach. Rain date is that following Saturday.
The NC Science Festival's annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant.
1412 State Park Rd, Statesville, NC 28677WHERE
Lake Norman State Park
1412 State Park Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
Help celebrate NC Science Festival with Lake Norman State Park! The Piedmont Amateur Astronomers will be coming out to the swim beach parking lot to show us the stars through their telescopes. Friends of Lake Norman State Park will bring the moon pies and Rangers will be offering activities as we wait for it to get dark. Meet at the Swim Beach. Rain date is that following Saturday.
The NC Science Festival's annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant.
Contact Information
Lake Norman State Park