Statewide Star Party: Hammocks Beach State Park

- Art & Design,
- Earth & Space Sciences,
- Engineering,
- Science & Society,
- Technology
- Hands-On,
- Indoor Event,
- Outdoor Event,
- Performance/Talk,
- Stargazing
- Pre-K,
- Children,
- Teens,
- Families,
- Adults,
- Special Audience
Join us for an incredible night under the stars. Our program events will contain a team buildling activity in which teams of 4-5 will assemble to form a rover and mission control to roam through an obstacle course to collect "moon rocks". We'll have two make-it-take-it activities: Build a lunar module then conduct test landings on a moon surface & Build a rover from household materials, incorporating forces and motion. Of course, we'll have multiple telescopes set at the base of the coastline for star gazing. You can also join us to listen to cultural myths and the connection between constellations & wildlife. And, just in case the weather is not cooperating, we are securing an Inflatable planetarium. We have local agencies joining us for this event: Maritime Museum, NC Coastal Federation, Tuscarora Landfill, and CMAST.
The NC Science Festival’s annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant.
Contact Information
- Pre-K,
- Children,
- Teens,
- Families,
- Adults,
- Special Audience