Statewide Star Party: AppState Dark Sky Observatory

- Earth & Space Sciences,
- Physics,
- Engineering
- Hands-On,
- Indoor Event,
- Outdoor Event,
- Performance/Talk,
- Tour,
- Stargazing
- Pre-K,
- Children,
- Teens,
- Families,
- Adults,
- Special Audience
Join us for a wonderful night of viewing celestial wonders at Statewide Star Party event! We will show the waxing gibbous Moon, Jupiter, Mars, star clusters, and galaxies, using the 32" telescope with an eyepiece. We also run an 11" telescope outside, and have a number of pairs of binoculars. We may also have some local amateurs who volunteer, bringing their telescopes. There is also an auxiliary 6" telescope mounted on the 32" equipped with a Mallincam color camera to show color in the observed targets, not visible to the eye. Our audience is everyone--adults and children.
In the event of bad weather we will still have a great evening, with indoor PowerPoint slide show presentation based on the event’s theme and activities provided by the Statewide Star Party people, a facility tour (including letting the children steer around the telescope and dome), and Q&A with astronomers and astronomy students. You will totally find Your Place in Space! Everyone has the night sky, so astronomy certainly fits the Science Festival's theme-- Science: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone.
Click here to get your tickets! Tickets will be available in mid-March.
The NC Science Festival’s annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant.
Contact Information
- Pre-K,
- Children,
- Teens,
- Families,
- Adults,
- Special Audience