Application for Sponsored 2025 Duke Energy Science Night Activity Kit

Duke Energy Science Night

Funding from the Duke Energy Foundation allows NCSciFest staff to produce STEM activities and resource kits for use by elementary schools across the state. This program is designed to help you host a fun science event for your students and their families with the use of a kit that includes hands-on activities aligned with K-5 Science Standards, a planning guide, activity instructions, materials for up to 200 participants, and the support of NCSciFest staff throughout your planning process.

The Duke Energy Foundation sponsorship funds a limited number of kits to award at no charge. These are awarded to schools using an application process that includes a review of the school's statement, need, demographics, geography, and past participation.

Please discuss participation in the program with school administrators and staff before applying. 

If you have questions, please contact the NCSciFest team by email ( or phone (919-962-3274). 

Please add our email address to your contacts to be sure our messages do not end up in your spam filter.

Application deadline is September 25, 2024.  Schools will be notified of their status on September 30, 2024Selected schools will need to confirm their commitment to hosting an April 2025 event by October 4, 2024There is a high demand for this program and so we do create a short waitlist in case a selected school declines. Kits will ship mid-February, 2025.

Contact Information

Contact Information

(teacher, administrator, parent, etc)
Direct classroom number or cell phone preferred
School Shipping Address

School Shipping Address

Application Information

Application Information

500 characters max
Event Planning Information

Additional Information