2024 Statewide Star Party Application

Application Deadline: November 30, 2023

All applicants will be notified by: December 14, 2023

Contact Info

Contact Information

Event Info

Event Information

Please note: Star Party events must be scheduled between Friday, April 5, and Monday, April 8, 2024
Describe your plans for organizing your Star Party event. Please include the location, intended audience, collaborators and partners, how your participants will observe the sky, other activities participants will do at your event, your rain/cloud plan, your staffing plan, your plan for promoting your event, and any other details you feel are important.
Important: We expect many astronomers will want to travel to the path of totality for the April 8th eclipse, making them unavailable for supporting this year’s Star Party events in North Carolina. Kits will include eclipse glasses as an alternative method of solar and eclipse viewing. If you do plan on having telescope viewing (solar scopes or regular scopes for night viewing), where will your telescopes—and the people to operate them—come from? If you plan to partner with amateur astronomers or an astronomy club, please tell us which astronomers/club, whether you already have a relationship with them, and whether any astronomers have committed to helping with your April event.
The North Carolina Science Festival is committed to the mission of “Science for All.” Please describe how your institution and your participation in the Statewide Star Party helps to achieve that mission and improve access to STEM opportunities for North Carolinians, particularly underserved and underrepresented populations.
Please check to confirm all of the following
Is there anything else you want us to know?